your999 designed for your protection

Stolen Property

Stolen property as a result of robbery, burglary, car crime and so on can have a devastating effect on those who have been the victim of crime.
Family heirlooms with little obvious worth are irreplaceable and their recovery would be wonderful. High-worth, antique items may not be insured and, again, your help would be invaluable.

If you see property that you think or know to be stolen, simply press the Your999 App, record the item on video and upload it to the Your999 site immediately.

Uploading the video or the picture will give the authorities, and others who might know the property, an instant assessment of the situation, the location, the time and current description. They will then be able to take appropriate action and people can leave comments in order to assist.

Remember, you are anonymous so please be assured no-one will know who has uploaded the video or left a comment.

Never put yourself in danger.

Example Stolen Property to record:

  1. Jewellery

  2. Artworks

  3. Cars

  4. Animals

  5. Garden ornaments