Fire Incidents Fires spreads very quickly and lives are instantly at risk. The quicker the Fire Service can get to the location, the better. A house fire can be terrifying to see and people tend to panic as it is extremely difficult to help without putting their own lives in danger. When you are speaking to the fire service they may ask you record the incident, using the Your999 App. Simply press the Your999 App and record it. You can upload it to the Your999 site immediately. If you are with another person, they could speak to the fire service. Uploading the video or the picture will give the Fire Service an instant assessment of the situation, the location, descriptions, environment, individuals involved, hazards and so on, which will provide them with a suitable priority response. They will be able to instruct you until they arrive. Remember, you are anonymous so please be assured no-one will know who has uploaded the video or the picture. Never put yourself in danger. Example fire incidents to record:
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